

Charities Not Leaving Facebook Over Data Breach

According to eNCA, the news about Facebook’s lack of discretion in regards to users data is concerning to nonprofits, but due to Facebook’s ubiquitousness charities are sticking with it for fundraising purposes.    Read more...

Nonprofits Look to Increase Video Usage

A recent survey of 500 nonprofit organizations by Care2 & the Nonprofit Technology Network of found that 74 percent plan on investing in video in the future. 66 percent will invest in website optimization, but the survey also finds that many nonprofits are stepping back from Snapchat and other social media. Read more...

Chatbots Help Nonprofits

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, nonprofits are using chatbots, programs that emulate conversations between people, to interact with supporters. chatbots can answer donor queries, tell stories and gather data. Read more...

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