

Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Nonprofits

According to the Japan Times, two Indian brothers are investing in bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the nonprofit sector.  The Wadhwani brothers have allocated $30 million over 10 years to the Wadhwani AI institute, which will work to bring AI to healthcare, rural development and agriculture. Read more...

Charitable Giving Increases over 2016

2017’s charitable giving increased over 2016, reports the Nonprofit Times. Year-over-year giving increased by 4.1 percent with a 12.1 percent increase in online giving. Read more...

Whatsapp Co Founder Supports New Foundation

Brian Acton, co-founder of Whatsapp is supporting the new nonprofit Signal Foundation, reports the Hill. Acton donated $50 million dollars to the foundation. The foundation supports the Signal app which is an encrypted messaging system. Read more...

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