

Virtual Reality for Nonprofits

Nonprofits are using Virtual Reality (VR) to bring their mission to life for donors, reports Biz Tech. VR can offer rich, immersive experiences to users, such as how the International Rescue Committee used VR to offer a tour through a refugee camp in Lebanon. Read more...

Text Has Best Response Rate

According to the Nonprofit Times, on average Americans spend 26 minutes each day texting. They send/receive over 41 messages each day. Texting gets the fastest response of any donor outreach with texts getting action, response and click-through and conversion rates that are two to four times that of email or social. Read more...

Fundraising Still Possible of Facebook

Despite recent upheavals Facebook remains a viable fundraising platform for nonprofits, reports the Nonprofit Times. There are over 1.17 billion active users every month, and of those 450 million users connected to nonprofit Facebook Pages. Nonprofit can harness the power of Facebook to raise money. Read more...

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