
Reviews (179)

Review: Ching

chingEver wish you could save the environment or champion women’s rights from the confines of your own home…while shopping? You’re not alone. In fact, there’s a nonprofit organization that is reaching out to people like you to help charities in need around the world. Ching, is a nonprofit that is aimed at millennials, those who love to shop, and those who want to help but don’t necessary have the time or money. This is an organization that lets you give to those less fortunate by shopping for yourself. Read more...

Review: Classy

classyAll-in-one fundraising, boasts Classy; a fundraising platform for nonprofits across the country. Whether a nonprofit is looking for a unique website to set their organization apart from their competitors or a responsive mobile site for their donors; Classy incorporates all of a charity’s needs and wants in one compact software. Read more...

Review: LetsAllDoGood

letsalldogoodBesides being in the business of helping people- what do all nonprofit organizations have in common? Founder of LetsAllDoGood- Greg McHale thinks he knows the answer. Every nonprofit he speaks to whether it’s a large nonprofit or one that is just starting up, has the same problem. When trying to reach their donor base- emails just aren’t enough. Click-through rates of emails are steadily declining and organic Facebook ads aren’t filling that gap. McHale states, “If you’re not using paid posts- no one is seeing your stuff.” This is a problem he believes his smartphone app can fix. Read more...

Review: FireSpring

firespringAs much as we hate to admit it, the world is becoming increasingly materialistic. Society dictates what is popular and if a nonprofit doesn’t fit that mold, it will be an uphill struggle, despite its noble cause. Add that to the amount of nonprofits forging for donations, a charity has to constantly put their best foot forward. A website is a great way to gain audiences’ attention and this is where Nebraska-based company FireSpring hopes to come in. The company aims to help nonprofit organizations make their websites more aesthetically pleasing. Nebraska-based company, FireSpring is a great resource as it not only helps charities develop a website that engages their audience but it also offers tools and services such as email marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing to coincide with a nonprofit’s new website. Read more...

Review: MyFiki

myfikiMany donors are of the mindset that they don’t want to give money to a nonprofit organization. Instead, they want to donate time, goods, or services so they know that their hard-earned money isn’t going to line some CEO’s pockets. Although pessimistic, nonprofits are not immune to scandal and when it occurs it scares away potential donors who want to give back. Enter, MyFiki (My Fundraising Initiatives built on Kindness and Involvement); a website that allows nonprofits to create an Amazon Wish list. Instead of donating money directly to the organizations, donors can purchase items off of a charity’s wish list and send it directly to them. This way, the charity is getting items that they need whether it’s school supplies, food, or other necessities and donors know exactly what they are buying, because they’re the ones that bought it. Read more...

Review: Carii

cariiAs a start-up company how do you know when you've "made it"? Some start-ups are asking these questions five years after their inception while others buckle under the pressure long before they have a chance to take off. But if you're a nonprofit named Carii, you don't have to worry about that. Within two and a half years Carii has already made a name for itself in the mobile app world. Named the "Innovative Application of the Year" from marketing consulting firm, Compass Intelligence; Carii has proven that their global platform aimed to "Create, Connect, Communicate, Collaborate" is the next big communications tool in the technology world. Read more...

Review: Qvinci

qvinciMany products and companies come to be out of necessity. The founder figures out an easier way of accomplishing a tedious yet essential task pertinent to the industry and the rest is history. Case in point, Qvinci. At the time of conception, CIO and founder Charles Nagel was working in turnaround consulting. He would continuously see the same problems over and over again in both small businesses and nonprofits, especially those with more than one location.


Review: Sharethemeal

sharethemealWhat if you could help end world hunger by just a click of a button and a miniscule donation? What if instead of purchasing coffee for one week you could feed 4 children for 5 days or 20 children for one week? With World Food Programme’s new app, “SharetheMeal”; users are able to do just that. Read more...

Update: Giving Tuesday

givingtuesdayThis year Giving Tuesday saw an uptick in donations as they raised approximately $117 million dollars by over a million different donors for charities and nonprofits around the world. Giving Tuesday started in 2012 in response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Each year the amount of donations steadily increased for campaigns that help the homeless, domestic assault victims, and animals among other causes. While there’s no doubt that Giving Tuesday was a success, I kept wondering how much of an impact it made. While writing my monthly review featuring 121Giving, I figured I’d ask co-founder and COO of the company; Liz Deering. Read more...

Review: Sage Foundation

Sage LogoThe Sage Foundation is the philanthropy project of Sage One - an online accounting software aimed at small businesses. The Sage Foundation is a bit different from Sage One because of it focus on small to medium nonprofits organizations and charities. Read more...

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