
Reviews (179)

Review: RallyUp

Six and half years ago CEO and founder Steve Bernat started online fundraising platform RallyUp to help nonprofits fundraise through crowdfunding and other means. RallyUp challenges business and nonprofit organizations to redefine what fundraising looks like today.  Through multiple “experiences” like raffles, auctions, livestreaming, and A-thons, nonprofits can choose the experience that best meets their needs.


Review: Asana

As nonprofits add staff to their organization or focus on multiple ventures at once – it can be difficult to keep the same level of awareness when it comes to projects. As a result, projects take longer to complete, work suffers, and nonprofits may feel disconnected from their co-workers and fellow volunteers.  Asana hopes to solve these issues with their work management solution that enables businesses and charities to track and manage their projects while ensuring their staff stays connected.


Review: EveryAction

EveryAction brings together multiple platforms to make up one robust CRM (customer relationship management solution) that is trusted by over 15,000 nonprofits including the NAACP, Feeding America, and the Special Olympics.


Review: Grant Budget Manager

After working as an accountant, CPA and CFO for a number of years - founder and developer of Grant Budget Manager, Rick Perrin began to consult for Wisconsin Early Childhood Association and found that they had unique budgeting needs. He quickly learned that this problem wasn’t unique just to this nonprofit. In fact, all nonprofits small or large face the same budgeting and forecasting issues due to the uncertainty of grants and the continuous fluctuation of donations. With his background in finance he set out to create a tool that would make budgeting and forecasting easy for small to mid-size charities.


Review: Software4Nonprofits

Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to your nonprofit software. Complex accounting and donation platforms can lead to complicated set-up processes and procedures that might not benefit your organization in the first place. That’s why Software4Nonprofits created two simple programs for their users – their DONATION program to keep track of donors and donations and their ACCOUNTS program for basic bookkeeping functionality.


Review: Planning Pod

Now that the world is slowly opening back up your virtual events may turn into in-person events before you know it. Making sure you’re able to manage them is critical so you don’t waste time or money searching for the perfect venue and vendors that meet your expectations Planning Pod is an automated online event management platform that promises to keep users organized while minimizing busy work.


Review: Giving Map

Raise your hand if you felt helpless when Covid-19 devasted the country in March of 2020. We sat at home watching the news - wanting to help but not knowing how to. We knew that hospitals all over the country (and even in our counties) needed PPE; the supply chain industry was crippled; and people all over the country were getting sick from a disease we knew hardly anything about.


Review: Visme

“We are Canva, but more,” explains Visme founder Paymen Taei, founder and CEO of Visme, a design platform for non-designers.  He’s right. Visme is Canva. But on steroids.  Like Canva, Visme is a design platform that allows non-designers (like me) the ability to create vibrant presentations, and videos using pre-existing templates, graphics, and pictures. But unlike Canva, Visme allows users to assemble an entire presentation as opposed to a one-off slide. It’s an accessible software that nonprofits can use without having to hire an outside design agency or hire a freelancer.


Review: Virtuous Giving

Back in 2018, I wrote a review on Virtuous’ new online donation platform. Founded by Gabe Cooper in 2014, Virtuous is a non-profit CRM whose mission is to empower charities to grow generosity. Their multiple platforms aim to make it easier for nonprofits to engage with their donors while taking some of the heavy lifting off of their shoulders.


Review: Snowball

As Giving Tuesday approaches, many nonprofits are turning to fundraising platforms such as GoFundMe and Crowdfunding.com to seek donations from past and new donors alike. Giving Tuesday occurs the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and encourages holiday shoppers to make donations to charities around the world. Aiding nonprofits to reach their fundraising goals is Snowball (formally @Pay), a fundraising software that makes it easy for nonprofit organizations to collect donations.


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