Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

How to Respond to an Online Faux Pas

American-Red-CrossMany nonprofit organizations are learning the importance of harnessing the power of social media to spread the word about their causes, to encourage “buy in” from their constituents, and to solicit ideas for change. Unfortunately, mistakes do happen in the social media realm. The American Red Cross experienced just this last week, and other nonprofits can learn from the positive way that they handled what could have been a public relations nightmare. Read more...

Using an Email Signature

signature_sheetThe way we communicate has changed radically in the past couple of decades. The advent of the answering machine alone was revolutionary. The fax was the next big thing, allowing us to transmit written information practically instantaneously. Then came email. Again, this mode of communication was nothing less than revolutionary! Things are still changing, of course, with text messaging becoming increasingly useful, and “Facebook” being used as a verb. Read more...

Optimize Your Nonprofit's Web Site for the Search Engines

social_media_iconsThe whole point of having a web presence is to get people to learn more about your organization'ss mission. If all goes well, they'll become supporters and help you reach your goals. None of this can happen, however, if no one is actually visiting your web site. That's where search engine optimization, generally referred to as SEO, comes into play. Read more...

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