Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Choosing a URL for Your Nonprofit Organization

wwwIt used to be that when you wanted to launch a web site, you simply picked the name you wanted, registered it, and put up a few pages of content. In the past decade or so, however, things have gotten a whole lot more complicated. Cute, fun, amateur-looking web sites are definitely out, for example. There are a zillion places to register your site these days, too. But perhaps one of the most annoying little details of finally choosing to launch a site is the fact that it’s actually kind of difficult to pick a URL.


FACT Social Justice Challenge Open for Submissions

There’s no doubt that technology has become more than a convenience in running a nonprofit organization. Email, social networking, web sites, mobile applications…these modern advances have quickly become necessities in promoting and supporting the causes that we hold so dear. It is through innovation and forward thought that these technologies continue to change the way we do everything from register volunteers to accept donations. Read more...

Trends in Online Giving and How to Use Them to Your Advantage

economicsThe information in this article comes from a presentation titled "Your Donor in the World Economy" delivered recently by The CashLINQ Group, that provides merchant services and software solutions for nonprofits, ministries, and small-to-medium businesses. Read more...

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