Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Gearing Up for Mailing Season

mailinglistWhen you run a nonprofit organization, it can seem like your days are full, solving one urgent problem after another. Looking and planning ahead is more than just a pipe dream; it's something that we often fail to even take into consideration. With the constant need to focus on the present, it's far too easy to avoid planning for the future. Read more...

Nonprofit Resources via the Foundation Center

foundationcenterWhen it comes to nonprofits, there is no shortage of "need." In fact, most exist to fill a need in our communities, whether they be local (a neighborhood food pantry serving the poor), national (a huge organization funding the search for a cure to a disease), or global (protecting the world's oceans from pollution). Of course, each of these organizations has needs of its own. Heck, there are nonprofit organizations that exist just to fill the needs of other nonprofits. Read more...

Choosing the Right File Format for Your Graphic Images

Having recently put together both a web site and some print materials for a personal project, I was confronted with the reality that not all graphic file formats are created equal. This is something that I've known in theory for years, but this was a good reminder that not everyone is aware of the differences among JPEG, GIF, TIFF, EPS, and others. Read more...

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