Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Sage for Nonprofit is Now Abila

If you're currently a Sage for Nonprofit user you already know who Abila is even if you haven't yet heard the name. I asked Krista Endsley, CEO of Abila about the genesis of the name. She pointed to the root word 'ability' and its Latin meaning. "Abila comes from the word ability which comes from the Latin word meaning 'the power to act.' That's what we are doing and why we are now Abila. We want to give our customers the ability to act."


Partners to Bridge the Donor Acquisition - Retention Gap

 Fundly, the world's largest crowdfunding-for-good platform, today announced that Bloomerang, the revolutionary customer relationship management (CRM) software focused on nonprofit donor retention and loyalty, has entered a partnership to integrate their assets and expertise.


Activist Group Turns to Online Fundraising

The Other 98%, an activist group, has launched an online crowdfunding campaign, reports the Non-profit Quarterly. The group hopes to raise enough money to purchase the Tribune Property Group.


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