Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Nonprofits Should Look at These Technologies that Will be Important in 2020

Like for-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations also face many challenges, most of which are due to the overall trends in the industry.  These trends keep shifting the direction that nonprofits want to take as they continuously change. As the New Year begins, it is wise to expect, understand and prepare for how these changing trends might influence your nonprofit going forward.  Below are the industry trends that every nonprofit should keep an eye on in 2020.


Social Media is Driving Nonprofit Giving

Digital marketing is a fantastic way for many industries, and nonprofits to expand into this sphere. However, many charities have failed to make use of this method of marketing as many of them still rely on offline-based marketing methods such as the use of flyers and marketing emails. Although it is undeniable that these offline tactics are essential in maintaining a balanced marketing plan, organizations that are rigid in adopting modern methods of marketing such as social media are missing out on opportunities of increased reach and donations that they could have obtained from social media users. This is however changing fast.


More Nonprofits Are Considering Cryptocurrency as Part of Their Strategies

Since cryptocurrency came into existence, many industries have entered the race as either investors, users or have accepted it as a form of payment by their customers. Owing to the reception of cryptocurrency as a method of payment by many industries and individuals, more nonprofits are now exploring the possibility of using this method in their strategies. UNICEF is one of the nonprofits that can now receive, keep and disburse digital currency through its UNICEF Cryptocurrency Fund which was launched a few months ago. With a vast knowledge in blockchain, UNICEF will also adopt other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether in funding its activities to benefit children and young people.


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