Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation Launches DisasterReady.org

The Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation, a non-profit organization formed by global cloud-based talent management leader Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ: CSOD), announced today the introduction of DisasterReady.org (www.disasterready.org), an online training resource that assists relief workers in disaster readiness and response. Read more...

LW Robbins President Named Achievement Award Recipient

Lynn S. Edmonds, President of LW Robbins, a direct marketing fundraising industry leader, has been named the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Nonprofit Federation 2013 Max Hart Nonprofit Achievement Award Recipient.


Does Your Non-profit Still Need a Printer

Everything, from books to plane tickets, is digital these days. So, does this mean non-profits can ditch their printer and go totally paperless?


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