Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

What Should I Write About on My Nonprofit Organization's Blog?

Congratulations! You've decided that it's time to get your nonprofit organization on the technological bandwagon and into the wonderful world of blogging. Read more...

What is Internet Activism?

Nonprofit organizations are notorious for being behind on technology and changes in online communication methods. Between limited finances and staff that are already spread pretty thin, it seems as though many methods of communicating and providing information remain somewhat stagnant.

Internet activism is a way for nonprofits to change these attitudes and embrace the technological options available to them. It is basically the antidote to the tried-and-true methods of fundraising, lobbying, and garnering support. It involves using online resources, websites, blogs, donation portals, and email to generate interest in the organization. Read more...

Creative Ways to Bring Technology to Nonprofit Organizations - NTEN

No matter what your field, the steady march of technology is certainly thrumming in your ears. For those of in the nonprofit sector, there can be significant obstacles in keeping up with all of the latest and greatest tools, applications, and information available to move our organizations forward. We often have to struggle to gain knowledge and training (not to mention the ever-present need for funds) as we strive to work in the most beneficial and efficient means possible. Read more...

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