Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Grant Resources Online

ImageGrants sometimes make up the backbone of nonprofit funding, especially for newer organizations that don't yet have their own sources of support. The Internet has created new grant opportunities that make a nonprofit organization's development department a little less stressed than it was in days gone by. That's not to say the researching and writing grants is simple, by any stretch of the imagination, but online resources have certainly taken some of the legwork out of the process. Read more...

Tax Implications for Online Donations

Thanks so much to Alexander Garbera for asking a great question in response to our last post on using the internet to fundraise.  I'll do my best to answer it here.

Let me start out this post by saying up front that if you have any questions about taxes, you should definitely consult a professional - a CPA or a tax attorney, for example. Read more...

Fundraising Online: Online Shopping Malls

With the advancement of technology comes opportunity for nonprofit organizations. The Internet offers more and more methods for fundraising every year. Simply setting up your organization’s web site to accept donations is just the tip of the iceberg in today’s world of technology. Read more...

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