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What Should I Write About on My Nonprofit Organization's Blog?

Congratulations! You've decided that it's time to get your nonprofit organization on the technological bandwagon and into the wonderful world of blogging.

If you've read the article10 Reasons Why Every Nonprofit Must Have a Blog, you already know all the logic behind this move. You're ready to increase your visibility and start interacting with your audience.

So, what do you write about?

Basically, you need to capture the essence of your organization as well as its message. You need to appeal to a number of tastes and draw people in to leave comments, to visit your website, and to return for regular updates. At the same time, you need to keep it honest and real. No one is going to read a blog that simply hypes your organization and all the great it does. Yes, these issues have a place; but you have to balance them with useful, relevant information.

As you get more involved in the nonprofit blogging community, you will get a better handle on what people are interested in and what engages them. Until then, consider these options:

  • Issues in the news that relate to your field. For example, if you work primarily in sending international aid to Africa, follow the political climate there. Write about changes in government or the discontinuation of UN aid packages.
  • Your organization's upcoming events and activities. Without going into too much marketing, let your readers know what you have planned. Use your blog as a way to get press releases out into the public.
  • New programs released by your organization. As with the upcoming events category, your readers might be interested to know that you have expanded or reduced your services.
  • Human interest stories. Put a face to your blog. Write about the people you help or the people you wish to help.
  • Your challenges as well as your successes. Don't paint everything with a rosy hue. Although you should definitely focus more on the positive, make sure your readers know what kinds of hurdles you encounter on a daily basis (just be sure to inform, not complain).
  • Other nonprofits. Share the spotlight. Highlight other organizations that complement the work you do. Talk about the amazing features of a sister nonprofit or a struggling up-and-comer.
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