Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Mobile Fundraising

1307.Mobile Fundraising.jpg-200x0By now mobile fundraising should have a permanent spot in your fundraising toolbox, but if for some reason it isn’t part of your line up, it is easy enough to get started. Start by ensuring that your organization’s web design is mobile-friendly. So, what is mobile-friendly? It means everything digital from your organization needs to look good on a mobile device; from your website to your email it needs to openable, readable and navigable on a mobile device. Read more...

Volunteer Scheduler Pro

volunteer schedulerMany nonprofits rely on volunteers to for day-to-day activities of the organization in addition to special events. Properly scheduling and tracking the volunteers is a time consuming task, but luckily one that can be made easier with technology. Read more...

End of Year Fundraising

End-of-Year-Fundraising-367x235August is almost over! While the rest of the world it means it is time to shop for school supplies, for those in the nonprofit sector it means it is time to take a moment and evaluate the organization’s fundraising success for the year so far. Read more...

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