

Outdated Equipment Hampers Nonprofits

Technology management is an important part of nonprofit management, reports Biz Tech Magazine. Without proper technology many nonprofits are able to operate as efficiently. Yet, many nonprofits can’t afford to update technology and must rely on outdated equipment. Read more...

Technology Use Report Available

According to the Charity Digital News, 2017’s Global NGO Online Technology Report finds that 92% of all NGOs have a website, but only 78% are mobile compatible. The Technology report is  a collaborative effort between Nonprofit Tech for Good and Public Interest Registry to show how NGO’s use digital technology to engage with their constituents. Read more...

Donate Directly From ATM

According to Yahoo Finance, Digital Donations, a point of sale donation platform, is working with its ATM partners during the month of February to offer ATM users the chance to make a donation to the Heart Association directly from the ATM. Read more...

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