

Helping Your Campaign Go Viral

According to the Nonprofit Quarterly, having a viral social media campaign isn’t just luck. There are a few things nonprofits can do to help their campaign go viral. The SMART steps include social media (s), moral imperative (m) and affective reactions (ar) and finally transform (t). Read more...

Nonprofit Preps College Students for Hackathon

McDaniel College in Westminster Maryland is preparing its students for a hackathon next weekend, reports Carroll County Times. To prep the students the college brought in technology innovation nonprofit Mid-Atlantic Gigabit Innovation Collaboratory, or MAGIC. Magic’s goal is to bring more students into the technology field. Read more...

2017 is All About the Tech for Nonprofits

According to Biz Tech Magazine, technology is poised to play an even more important role in the nonprofit sector in 2017. Things that were once thought of as strictly “retail” like a frictionless experience will now apply to nonprofits. Read more...

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