

Cleveland Nonprofits Can Get Tech Help

According to Akronist.com, the Eighth Annual Cleveland GiveCamp will offer free tech help to nonprofits in need of website or software solutions. Read more...

Nonprofit Falls Victim to Cyber Crooks

Even small nonprofits can fall victim to ransomware attacks, reports KUNC. A staffer at the Muncie based Cancer Services of East Central Indiana accidentally downloaded malware that allowed the cyber thieves to hold the nonprofit’s data hostage. They demanded a ransom of $43,000 to return the data to the nonprofit. Read more...

Spam Filters Thwarting Nonprofits

According to the Nonprofit Times, a new study by EveryAction finds that nonprofits emails aren’t reaching their proper destinations. Instead of hitting inboxes they are getting caught in the spam filters. The 2017 Nonprofit Email Deliverability Study found nonprofit lost an average of $25,000 on due to undelivered emails. Read more...

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