

Detroit Nonprofits Can Compete for Funds

New fundraising challenge in Detroit offers area nonprofits a chance at $100,000, reports Crain’s Detroit Business. The Rise Detroit Challenge asks nonprofits to register on CrowdRise and then raise funds via the platform. The charity that raises the most funds will get an additional $50,000 from the Rise Detroit sponsors. Read more...

Fundraising Mistakes to Avoid

Donations are the lifeblood of any nonprofit, reports Forbes. But, often the nonprofit’s fundraising methods drive away more donations than they bring in. One way to ensure successful fundraising is to communicate with your donors consistently, not just when you want them to donate. Read more...

Google Wants to Close Tech Gap

According to Ed Tech Magazine, Google has pledged $50 million dollars to help erase the tech gap among students. Over the next two years Google will distribute the money to nonprofits that are working to bring tech to underserved students.   Read more...

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