

Facebook Stock Nets Big Bucks for Charity

The Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, the charity organization founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, cashed in some of its Facebook stock, reports CNN Money. The deal resulted in $95 million for the charity. Read more...

Nonprofits Have New Platform to Sell Fundraising Merchandise

Design by Humans, an online retailer, has two new fundraising options for nonprofits, reports PR Web. The first lets the nonprofits sell T-shirts and other merchandise on the platform for a limited time. The other allows the nonprofit to open a storefront that sells merchandise. Read more...

Bidding on the Apple 1

According to CNet, the Fundraising site CharityBuzz is auctioning off a rare Apple 1 Celebration computer for charity. The auction benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Currently, the high bid for the Apple 1 is $500,000.


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