

New Site Brings Investment Tools to Non-profits

According to Tech Crunch, Wealthfront, an automated investment services company, has launched Wealthfront.org. The site will provide investment advisory tools to non-profits. Read more...

Boston Tech Group Hopes to Grow Giving Participation

Boston Area Technology Underwriting Greater Good hopes to expand its ‘Tech Gives Back’ participation this year, reports Startups and Venture Capital. The program hopes to draw 1,200 participants from area tech companies this year to do projects in and around the Boston Area.

Causes Transforms from App to Social Network

According the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Causes, which started as a donation app on Facebook, has now transformed into a social network. The Causes Network lets people discuss social issues, connect with like-minded people and nonprofits, and take action by making donations, signing petitions, and raising money. Read more...

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