

eGood Combines Loyalty with Giving Back

According to Tech Crunch, eGood, a new startup from California, has designed a new check in and loyalty app that lets consumers visit their favorite local business and give back. Businesses listed with eGood can choose local charities and non-profits, so that when consumers choose their business and check-into their store, any purchases they make there will include donations to the local charity the business is supporting.

Ohio Non-profits Can JUMP Start Their Technology

The fourth annual JUMP Start Your Non-profit contest is now open, reports Dayton Daily News. The contest sponsored by Modern Office Methods is open to non-profits in Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus is open until October 11. The contest winner receives a $20,000 technology makeover.

TeraData Works with Non-profits to Provide Data Analytics

According to Red Orbit, Teradata, a data analytics company, has partnered with DataKind. DataKind, a non-profit that matches talented data scientists with non-profit and non-governmental organizations that have huge troves of data but lack the resources to analyze them, and Teradata will combine resources to provide non-profits with data analytic solutions.

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