

Tech Nonprofit Brings Equipment to Schools

According to CNN Money, the Rural Technology Fund, a nonprofit that donates technology equipment to schools, has donated tech equipment to schools in 40 states since 2008. In 2017, the nonprofit hopes to help get tech to 25,000 students. Read more...

NeonCRM Makes Inc. Mags List

NeonCRM, created by Z2 systems, made Inc. magazine’s annual 5000 list, reports PR Web. The NeonCRM is 1810 on the list, and this is the company’s third year on the list. Read more...

Overall Giving Increases

According to the Nonprofit Times, the Blackbaud index shows that the three month period ending in July has giving up 4.3% over the same time in 2016. This includes a 10% increase in online giving. Read more...

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