

Millennials Want Social Change

Millennials are a socially responsible generation, reports Forbes. A new survey finds that on average a Millennial gives $600 a year to charity. In addition, they use social media platforms as a tool to raise awareness about their favorite causes.   Read more...

Use Text Messaging for More than Blasting Donation Requests

According to the Nonprofit Times, text messaging can be used for more than broadcasting donation requests. Text messaging can be use to send surveys, hotline links and other ways for users to get information. Read more...

Nonprofit Uses chatbots

Nonprofit Seattle Against Slavery is using chatbot technology to deter online sex sales, repots KomoNews. The chatbots are programmed with age, race, & neighborhood. If a user tries to arrange a meeting for sex the chatbot sends a warning and informs them the police have been notified. Read more...

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