

Changes to Facebook Could Hurt Nonprofits

According to BuzzFeed News. the changes Facebook is making to its news feed will impact the 1.5 million nonprofits on the social media platform to reach their donors/potential donors. Read more...

Direct Mail Still Here

Direct mail still brings in the gifts, especially in planned giving, reports the Nonprofit Times. For example, the Make-A-Wish foundation generated about $15.3 million last year from their direct mail campaign. This is compared with $13.9 million in 2009. Read more...

Online Giving Spikes After Christmas

According to Think Advisor, a survey by the Chronicle of Philanthropy found that most online giving occured after the holidays in 2017. On New Year’s Eve in the U.S. 61,000 online donations were made bringing in $14.4 million. Read more...

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