

Email Is King of Fundraising

According to FastCompany, the most effective way for nonprofits to fundraise is still the email campaign. Blackbaud surveyed 700 of its Luminate users and found that they raised $1.7 billion in 2017 using email campaigns.   Read more...

Grants Available to Los Angeles Nonprofits

Telemundo 52 Los Angeles is partnering with NBCUniversal Foundation to offer grants to area nonprofits, reports the Long Beach Post. Eight nonprofits in the Los Angeles area will receive a portion of the $225,000 available.   Read more...

Nonprofits Aren't Keeping Data Secure

New technology allows nonprofits to collect and store more sensitive information, reports Nonprofit Quarterly. Unfortunately, many of the nonprofits aren’t taking precautions necessary to keep that data secure. Read more...

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