Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Location Based Mobile Apps & Events

geolocation-mobile-phoneMobile technology relies on the global positioning system to pinpoint your location. If you have your phone with you, you can get instant directions if you are lost, have first responders find you in an emergency and there is even an app that lets you note the precise location of your car. So, can the power of location based technology help non-profits in their fundraising efforts?  Read more...

Google One Today

google logo 41If you’re a member of Google for Non-profits, you can increase your reach by setting up a project on Google’s One Today app. Google One Today, available from Google’s apps store, showcases one non-profit project a day. The app harnesses the power of the crowd and leverages small donations to meet big goals. The app lets users donate, invite friends to give and match their donations. Read more...

iMIS 20 Engagement Management Solution

asiiMIS 20, from Advanced Solutions International, is an Engagement Management system which means it does more than store your data, it helps you use your data to better interact with your donors.  Read more...

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