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Google One Today

If you are currently a member of Google for Non-profits, if you aren’t currently a member of Google for Non-profits you will have to register first in order to use Google One today.
It is simple to set up a project in the app. The goal is to convey your mission succinctly. The set up prompts you to describe your call to action in less than 40 characters. The app also requires you to add a picture that best shows what you hope to achieve with the donations.
Using only 150 characters, you must give your potential donors a compelling fact or statistic about the problem that the project is addressing. Then the app gives you less than 400 characters to describe your project and how it’s solving a problem. To make the most impact describe the tangible result of every dollar raised. For example, you might say that $1 equals 5 meals or $1 equals 1 gallon of fresh water. Let potential donors see how their donation can make a difference.
All projects require a start date. You can have your project start immediately or have it start at a later date. Google will automatically add your project to the rotation at its start date. Your project can end in two ways one by reaching the end of project date or when you reach your fundraising goal.
During set up, you will set a fundraising goal. You can select any amount, but Google does recommend something in the range of $500 - $10,000 range. Your organization must decide how long to run the campaign based on your goal.
Google tracks the donations and all donations are collected through Google Wallet. The funds then are sent to Network for Good. Network for Good takes care of disbursing the funds. Funds are remitted on the 15th of the following month, but only if your organization has accumulated $10 in donations otherwise it is held until the next month.
You don’t have to be a member of Network for Good to receive funds, if you don’t have an account with Network for Good, they will send you a check to your organization’s address found in the IRS database. In order to change the remittance method (ex: wire transfer instead of check) you have to set up an account with Network for Good.
Google has set up an agreement with Network for Good that funds raised via Google’s One Today will be disbursed to the non-profits at no cost to the non-profits, regardless of any prior relationship the non-profit might have with Network for Good.
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