Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten


coscheduleAnyone who works with social media most likely has a love/hate relationship with it. You love that it is an easy, affordable way to engage with donors and spread information about your mission, but you hate how time consuming it is to post to all those separate accounts.


text2fundText to give campaigns offer donors a simple way to give in the moment, but they do have their limitations. Most text to give campaigns only allow donors to give $10 at a time and campaigns usually are limited to registered nonprofits that have more than $500,000 a year in donations, making it impossible for a smaller grass roots organization to run a text to give campaign. Read more...

Facebook Nonprofit Toolkit

facebook nonprofitsWith over 1 billion users Facebook remains the king of all social media sites. Recently, it added new features to help nonprofits interact with their supporters including a nonprofit fundraiser page and improvements to how the ‘Donate Now’ button works. Read more...

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