Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Don't Forget Your Roots

Digital AgeWe all know that the digital age has brought with it a number of new possibilities for nonprofits. My goodness, most of this blog is devoted to ways that nonprofit organizations can use technology to advance their fundraising, volunteer, and membership programs. Whether you want to start a blog or utilize other social networking methods to reach out to your constituents, or you are interested in setting up a shopping mall to raise money for your cause, the Internet is creating new options all the time.


Free Software Can Make You Look Good in More Ways than One

Most nonprofit organizations are looking for ideas to save money, and there are all kinds of ingenious ways to go about it. One method for cutting a few corners is to use free software, rather than going with the more commonly used versions. For example some organizations choose to use OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office. It offers products that are very similar to what you would get with MS Office, but without the hefty price tag. Read more...

Virtual Volunteers - A New Nonprofit Resource

I've been looking forward to writing this post on virtual volunteering and what it can do for your nonprofit organization. I love researching topics that I feel can really make a difference for nonprofits, whether they're start-ups or have been long established. I usually find some great resources, as well as good background information. Read more...

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