Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Understanding How Blacklists Can Affect Your Nonprofit’s Email Marketing

BlackListAs a nonprofit organization, you likely use email as an inexpensive and effective method of keeping your clients and supporters up-to-date about what you’re doing. You can use an email campaign to educate about your cause or even to solicit donations and volunteers. Unfortunately, there are some hazards that come along with being reliant on this medium of communication. One danger is ending up on the “blacklist.” Read more...

Fundraising for Your Nonprofit Organization with CafePress

CafePressThe Internet has brought all manner of fundraising opportunities to nonprofit organizations, many of which we've covered here. You can set up an online shop, create an auction, or simply collect donations through your organization's website, for example. Another option is to create a CaféPress store. It's quite simple and doesn't end up costing anything out of pocket, which is why so many groups have found it to be such a great method for fundraising. Read more...

Does Your Nonprofit

Does your organization’s website include a privacy policy? If not, it is something you may want to seriously consider. Generally speaking, this policy will outline for visitors just what you do with the information collected while they are visiting your site. Studies are showing that more and more Internet users are concerned about just what becomes of their personal information online, and many will leave a website if they don’t feel that their information is protected in some way. You can avoid losing these potential visitors by clearly stating your organization’s policy. Read more...

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PMG360 is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal data we collect from our subscribers/agents/customers/exhibitors and sponsors. On May 25th, the European's GDPR policy will be enforced. Nothing is changing about your current settings or how your information is processed, however, we have made a few changes. We have updated our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we collect, how and why we collect it.