Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Optimize Your Web Site for Users with Disabilities

In today's environment, web sites are one of the best outreach tools that nonprofits have. They not only inform the public of the organization's mission and programs, but they also serve as its face. It's important that the site be friendly and inviting to users, or they will spend little time getting to know the nonprofit. Read more...

Accepting Donations Through Your Organization's Website

In an earlier post, I discussed how internet activism allows nonprofits to reach a technologically savvy audience through the web. This is good because a) it gives your organization the opportunity to send your message further out into the world, and b) it gives potential donors a way to contribute funds quickly and easily. Read more...

Using Instant Messaging in the Nonprofit Workplace

Instant messaging is one of the most exciting burgeoning tools available to nonprofits today. It saves time, saves money, and enables quick and easy communication. Read more...

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