Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

How Can podcasts Benefit Your Organization?

ImageIt seems that everywhere you go these days, you are surrounded by people with wires coming out of their ears. What do you suppose these folks are listening to that is so darned interesting? In many cases they are actually listening to their favorite bands. Other people use their MP3 players to listen to audio books. One possibility, however, is that they're listening to podcasts. Read more...

The Dangers of Software Piracy, and How to Stop It in Your Nonprofit Organization

Nonprofit organizations tend to be the moral backbone of the business world. If only more for-profit companies would uphold the ideals of their tax-exempt counterparts, right? Well, that is certainly true in many ways. But does it mean that nonprofits should be held to a higher standard? In fact, it does. Read more...

Crosstraining in Technology

Nonprofits tend to be extremely resourceful organizations. Who else can leverage a few donations and some good will into a massive fundraising campaign, for example? The people who work in nonprofit organizations are some of the most creative and versatile, too. While this can be quite a boon to an organization, it can also become a pitfall. Read more...

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