Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten


mypledgerRunning a successful fundraising campaign requires dedication, attention to detail and time. Lots of time. Many small nonprofit organizations don’t have the staff to dedication one person or several persons to working on just the fundraising campaign. Read more...

Member Planet

memberplanetMember Planet is a subscription based platform that helps nonprofits stay in touch with their constituents. Nonprofits can use it to communicate with their members. The platform makes it easy to run an email marketing campaign. The platform can also be used to send out mass text messages, or messages only to certain predefined groups. All correspondence that is sent from the Member Planet platform is branded for your organization. Read more...

Keep Your Data Safe

improve-online-securityIf you think that a nonprofit has nothing a cyber criminal would be interested in you are mistaken. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by thinking that if you don’t accept online payments that you are safe. Credit card information is only piece of data that cyber criminals find useful.


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