Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten


yourmembershipOrganizations that provide memberships face different challenges. Not only must they keep track of their members, they also need to provide their members with opportunities to network, learn and grow with the organization. Read more...

TextMarks Messaging for Contributor Communication

TextMarks-LogoText messaging might seem really old school, but it is actually more effective than sending emails. Industry experts put text message open rates at 98%, while email has only a 20% open rate. Read more...

Messaging Apps for Nonprofits

messaging appsWith Facebook reporting nearly 2 billion active users and Twitter not far behind with 328 million users, it is safe to say that social media is no longer considered an up and coming marketing channel. Many nonprofits embraced social media as a simple and affordable way to communicate with their constituents. Even the most conservative organizations have some sort of social media presence. Read more...

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