Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Survey Says - SurveyMonkey

surveymonkeyCollecting feedback from events, volunteers or donors is necessary to ensure your programs are effective, but the idea of creating a survey can be daunting. With Survey Monkey, you don’t have to create your own survey, instead you can select from SurveyMonkey’s methodologist-certified nonprofit survey templates.  Read more...

Moving Your Donor Data to the Cloud

Cloud-Security-3If your organization is considering migrating your donor information to the cloud, you are probably concerned about the safety of your data. The recent attack on Anthem that resulted in the largest data breach in history might lead you to believe that hackers only target big companies and organizations. The truth is hackers actually tend to pick smaller companies and nonprofits figuring, rightly so, that they have lower levels of security.


Bringing Selma to Students

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, “Pop-up Philanthropy” helped eighth graders see the movie “Selma”. Business leaders in New York city raised money and worked with the film’s distributor to arrange special discounted showings. After the success of the New York ‘Selma for Students’ organizers contacted business leaders in other cities and outlined how to bring the event to their city.   Read more...

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