Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Year-end Social Media Fundraising

nonprofit-fundraising-twitter-730x300The smell of pumpkin spice is everywhere, a sure sign that fall has arrived. For most people, fall means colorful leaves, crisp apples, pumpkins and the start of the holidays. For those in the nonprofit sector, fall signifies it’s  time to think about the year-end giving campaign. Read more...

Esri-Tell Your Story with Maps

esriIt is not enough to state your mission, you have to tell your donors the story behind your mission. You have to show them the impact of their donation and you can do that several different ways. One way is to use a platform like Esri. Read more...

Mobile Fundraising - an Update

Mobile-FundraisingOrganizations are embracing mobile fundraising. Contrary to what some might think, using mobile fundraising doesn’t mean your organization needs to abandon more traditional fundraising events.


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