
News (1513)

Most Generous Online U.S. Cities for 2013

When it comes to charitable giving, some U.S. locales consistently rise to the top in their adoption of digital giving channels. Blackbaud has released its sixth annual ranking of the Most Generous Online U.S. Cities in 2013 based on online giving data from Blackbaud customers. Seattle, WA, earned the top spot, followed by Alexandria, VA and Atlanta, GA. Read more...

United Way Volunteering Growth Rate Outpaces U.S.

While American volunteer rates are declining, United Way is seeing a dramatic increase in volunteering, with more than double the rate of growth in volunteers compared to the U.S.’ and predicted increases next year, according to a new community leaders' survey by United Way Worldwide. Read more...

Nonprofit Organizations Complete Strategy Challenge

The Morgan Stanley Strategy Challenge pairs nonprofit organizations facing a mission critical issue with a team of top-performing Morgan Stanley professionals. Through the eight-week long project, the employees work half-time for the charity, identifying researched, feasible and impactful solutions that the charity can implement to reach scale, expand impact and improve its efficiency, such as scaling an existing program. Read more...

Special Report to Help Employers Navigate ACA “Play or Pay” Penalties

Thomson Reuters has released a special report for employers, accounting firms, and other professionals who advise business clients, Get Ready to Play or Pay: Employer Shared Responsibility Under Health Care Reform. The report highlights key provisions employers must understand to avoid tax penalties related to the Affordable Care Act. Read more...

Changing One Word on Online Form Can More Than Double Conversion Rates

Formstack has releases its 2014 Form Conversion Report. Among other data on web form conversions, the report finds that simply changing the copy on an online form’s submission button from “Submit Form” to “Submit Registration” can increase conversions by 2.5 times. Read more...

Overall Charitable Giving to Nonprofits Increased in April

Blackbaud, Inc. has updated The Blackbaud Index with charitable giving trends through April 2014 as well as announced the launch of a new higher education specialty index that tracks fundraising revenue for colleges and universities. Read more...

Karma411 is now Crowdster

Karma411 has changed its name to Crowdster. The name change to “Crowdster” reflects the move toward using the power of crowds to extend the reach of an organization to hundreds or even thousands of potential fans and supporters, while generating growth through tickets sold through the platform and getting more attendees at events and more donations raised. Read more...

2014 Vision Award from the Technology Services Industry Association

Blackbaud, Inc. announced it has been named winner of the 2014 Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) Vision Award in the Service Practitioner category. The award was announced May 7 at the Technology Services World (TSW) conference in Santa Clara, California. Read more...

Cloudbilt Announces Nonprofit Support Program

Cloudbilt, a provider of Software-as-a-Service Apps, today announced a new nonprofit support program in conjunction with the Salesforce.com Foundation. The program provides 501(c)(3) organizations with ten free licenses for its flagship MapAnything™ application and a ten percent discount off additional licenses. Read more...

Overall Charitable Giving to Nonprofits Decreased 0.7% in March

Blackbaud's Index has reported that overall charitable giving to nonprofits decreased 0.7% and online giving increased 12.8% for the three months ending March 2014 as compared to the same period in 2013. Read more...

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