
News (1513)

Nonprofit Helps Vets with Tech

Detroit nonprofit helps connect veterans with technology thanks to GE and Human IT, reports Fox Detroit. 

Charles Montague is a disabled veteran who lives on a fixed income. Thanks to Southwest Solutions, a Detroit nonprofit that helps veterans and other people who need assistance, he now has a computer.


Literacy Event Has Virtual Librarian

The Librarian of Congress will hold a special virtual even to celebrate the Literacy Cooperative, reports News 5 Cleveland. 

Dr. Carla Hayden is the first female Librarian of Congress since 1802, and that's not the only glass ceiling she has shattered.


Volunteer App Wins Award

Tech founder creates award winning nonprofit volunteer app, reports Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

After he sold two successful Pittsburgh-based tech firms, Geng Wang wanted his next venture to have a strong social mission.


Free Web Support for Nonprofits

According to PR Newswire, Arizona web design company Hammersmith Support will award one nonprofit free web support for one year. 

Arizona-based web design company Hammersmith Support is seeking one lucky nonprofit to be their pro bono client of 2021. 


Nonprofit Tech Trends for 2021

According to Forbes, there are several tech trends emerging for the nonprofit sector. 

At the end of 2020, nonprofits started to look forward with a lot of expectations for the new year.


Making Podcasts for Kids

Common Sense Media and Apple are working together to provide podcasts for kids, reports Dev Discourse. 

Apple is teaming up with nonprofit organisation Common Sense Media to help parents find kid-friendly podcasts from its vast library of content.


Online Camp Increases Diversity in Program

According to Ed Surge, nonprofit Connected Camps used the pandemic as an opportunity to increase the diversity of their program.

Friday the 13th turned out to hold more than the usual amount of superstitious bad luck in March 2020. On that day, millions of teachers and families across the U.S. learned that they would not be going back to school the following Monday.


Nonprofit Helps Rebuild After Disasters

Nonprofit Rebuild Homes is using technology to help homeowners rebuild after natural disasters, reports the Spokesman Review. 

After a wildfire devastated the town of Malden in September, NewHomes.House founder Todd Sullivan knew he wanted to help the community rebuild. Visiting Malden and meeting with a team managing the town’s recovery, Sullivan noticed the community lacked a technology solution to help with rebuilding efforts.


Nonprofits Look To Social Media

Nonprofits are once again looking at how to maximize their social media postings to draw in donations, reports Forbes. 

Amidst the Covid-19 crisis, nonprofit organizations have faced onerous financial burdens. There has been a high demand for their services, which taxes their resources, yet their ability to bring in volunteers and host in-person fundraising events has been limited.


Auction Platform Makes Thing More Fund

According to PR Newswire, ZoomGive is a new auction platform designed to make the experience more fun. 

ZOOMGIVE, a rising digital fundraising platform for nonprofit organizations, is pleased to announce its virtual auction software platform to help nonprofits create engaging auction experiences for donors.


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