
News (1513)

Shoppers Can Earn Points Towards Charitable Donations

An innovative experience™ application on the battery-powered Dynamics ePlate™ credit card device will be launched nationwide today by Amnesty International USA and Dynamics Inc., allowing users to donate instantly to the life-saving human rights cause with each purchase, while earning reward points toward music, exclusive events, contests and giveaways.

Social Dieting Adds Fundraising Component

DietBet, a social dieting company that brings people together to lose weight and win money, today announced a new feature that lets players donate their winnings to a charity of their choice. DietBetters commit to losing four percent of their starting weight in four weeks and everyone who reaches their goal splits the pot. Now, with this new feature, players can allocate some or all of their winnings to charity. This lets people raise money for causes by simply losing a few extra pounds. Read more...

Hopemob Free App for Fundraising

HopeMob, a fast-growing global movement of generous strangers uniting to connect people in need with tangible resources, today introduced the industry's first fee-free online fundraising platform for charitable causes. Read more...

AccuFund's Latest Upgrade Features Task Scheduler and Payroll Updates

AccuFund, Inc., provider of financial reporting and accounting software for non-profit, municipal and government organizations, today announced the availability of Version 4.04 of the AccuFund Accounting Suite. With this latest release, AccuFund introduces the Task Scheduler module for scheduling reports to run and documents to print at a specific time or on a recurring basis. Version 4.04 also features Payroll enhancements that offer further time savings and convenience, including Internet-based Time Clocks connected directly to Payroll or the Employee Portal.


One Laptop per Child Launches Social Program

One Laptop per Child Association announced today that it has entered into an agreement with the Colombian government through La Agencia Nacional para la Superación de la Pobreza Extrema -ANSPE. ANSPE has national responsibility to develop and implement a strategy to alleviate the most severe cases of poverty in Colombia. The ANSPE initiative is under the direction of the President's Office and ANSPE Director Samuel Azout. Read more...

Updating Online Privacy Protection Act

Two leading nonprofit groups, the Center for Digital Democracy and Common Sense Media, today released the results of a new survey on public attitudes about children's online privacy. The study - conducted over a two-week period in November by Princeton Research Associates International (PSRAI) - polled more than 2,000 adults and found overwhelming support for the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the law that requires parental consent before websites can collect personal information from children under the age of 13.  Read more...

Frequency Of Cellphone 'Cramming' Scam Doubles

The number of fraudulent "cramming" fees charged to Illinois cellphone callers has nearly doubled over the last year-surpassing the national trend for a scam that could cost consumers up to $59 million a year in the United States, according to an analysis released Tuesday by the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and the prominent wireless industry research firm Validas.  Read more...

Overall Charitable Giving Down 3.8% in October and Online Giving Up 1.1%

The Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving, a broad-based fundraising index that reports overall giving trends of 2,984 US-based nonprofit organizations representing $7.8 billion in yearly giving on a monthly basis, today reported that charitable giving decreased 3.8% for the three months ending October 2012 as compared to the same period in 2011. The Blackbaud Index of Online Giving, comprised of actual revenue data from 1,961 nonprofits representing $371 million in yearly online giving, reported that online giving rose 1.1% for the three months ending October 2012 as compared to the same period in 2011.


Churches Look to Receive Most Holiday Donations This Year

Giving during the holiday season is crucial for many nonprofits, with estimates that one-third of all charitable giving happens in the last three months of the year. This year is no different as nonprofits look to overcome a sluggish economy and other challenges. #GivingTuesday kicked off the heart of the holiday giving season this week with Blackbaud reporting a 53 percent increase in online donations totaling more than $10 million on November 27 compared to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving last year.


Users Can Make Quick Contributions to Support Human Rights

An innovative experienceTM application on the battery-powered Dynamics ePlateTM credit card device will be launched nationwide today by Amnesty International USA and Dynamics Inc., allowing users to donate instantly to the life-saving human rights cause with each purchase, while earning reward points toward music, exclusive events, contests and giveaways. Read more...

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