Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Instagram Keeps Donors in the Loop

instagram logoThe latest Pew Research finds that 35 percent of US adults use Instagram. And, a majority of those users are extremely active, often checking the site several times a day. Plus, Instagram’s users are more likely to engage with posts. In fact, a 2017 study of brand accounts on Instagram found that the companies received 58 times more engagement (measured in likes, comments and shares) per follower.   Read more...


everyactionDonors who feel engaged will give more, in both time and money. You can better manage your donor engagement with a platform like EveryAction.  The EveryAction platform lets your organization manage fundraising, digital (which includes engagement), advocacy and organization. Read more...

Data Analytics Made Easy: Tableau

tableauData analytics sounds complicated, but using a tool like Tableau Desktop can help your organization harness the power of its data. Read more...

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