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everyactionDonors who feel engaged will give more, in both time and money. You can better manage your donor engagement with a platform like EveryAction.  The EveryAction platform lets your organization manage fundraising, digital (which includes engagement), advocacy and organization.

With the engagement tool you can create targeted emails. The emails also come with embedded one click donation links to generate immediate action to your email. EveryAction has sophisticated tools such as conditional content and multivariate testing to ensure your emails are engaging and getting opened.

Let your donors increase awareness for your cause. EveryAction can help you engage your donors via Twitter and other social media sites and the platform includes tools to help you track the impact of those shares.

You can integrate your events with Facebooks event manager to track RSVPs and build a buzz about your event. EveryAction also integrates with Facebook Ad Management so you can boost your awareness with an ad.

When your donors are ready to give EveryAction can help streamline that process with one click donations. Or if you prefer you can have a simple donation form or multi step donation form embedded in your website.

Your donors can leverage the power of their peer group by creating their own fundraising pages to support your cause, which they can then share with their social network.

If your donor base responds better to phone contact you can use EveryAction’s phone tools to create Livecalls or to perform robocalls or robosurveys.

Pricing is available upon request from EveryAction
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