Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Diversity in Nonprofits Makes a Big Difference

Like for-profit organizations, having diverse and inclusive nonprofits has become a popular topic of debate in recent years. According to a study by The Center for Effective Philanthropy, many nonprofits lack gender and sexual orientation diversity, although they have tried to address the issue of racial and cultural diversity. While The National Council of Nonprofits has stated that it stands for equity and justice while denouncing racism, intolerance, and exclusion, it has been proven over years that standing alone is not enough. Instead, nonprofits must follow a path that leads to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all their operations. Here are some practice pointers that will lead to the achievement of diversity and inclusion.


Nonprofits are Deploying IoT to Serve Donors

The internet of Things (IoT) has made its way to almost every industry. For the nonprofit sector, IoT is proving to be one of the most innovative and beneficial solutions that will help charities offer better services. Although nonprofits have been behind in adopting technology over the years, they are beginning to catch up fast. From contactless payment systems embedded to operating systems to fundraising tools, IoT can change how nonprofits collect their donations for causes that will change lives.


Software Market for Nonprofits is Active

The past year proved that we cannot always correctly predict the future. Without warning, the coronavirus pandemic and its economic impacts drove many nonprofits to the edge and put them in precarious positions. According to a study done in the summer, it was found that as high as 38 percent of the nonprofits were in danger of closing. Despite the issues, the good thing during the pandemic has been innovation.  As lockdown reduced human interaction, nonprofits sought technology as their refuge. With this adoption, nonprofits might emerge stronger after the pandemic than ever before. Here are a few tech trends that might help nonprofits in 2021.


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