Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Check These Tips When Planning Your Next Fundraising Event

It is now a year since the pandemic began, and many things have changed. Organizations in different industries have been forced to change how they do things, and their plans have been altered significantly. For the nonprofits, fundraising events and how they are organized have been altered, and most of them are now hosting their fundraising remotely. Here are some tips that you should consider when planning your next fundraising event in 2021.


One of These 5 Nonprofit Opportunities Could be Yours

The rising number of challenges today means that there is a big room for nonprofits to step in and offer their help to alleviate human suffering. However, this does not mean you just enter the charity industry and start without proper planning. Rather, you have to do research and identify a cause just like for-profits do their market research. You must always know that nonprofits must offer a return on investment. Therefore, in addition to your calling and commitment, you must have a clear objective, mission, and business plan to present to your donor base. Here are five nonprofit business ideas and opportunities that might interest you.


Consider these 6 Marketing Ideas for Your Nonprofit This Year

Nonprofit marketing is a complicated task. Marketers in this industry don’t have it easy as many would think. It requires clear communication of mission and value, raising brand awareness and attracting supporters for a given cause. Furthermore, the marketing trends that change quickly mean that you must stay on top of how you need to engage your donors. Like the for-profit marketers, those doing marketing for charities must regularly revisit their marketing plan and figure out what the future might look like. However, you must expect setbacks and surprises as we all did in 2020, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some six marketing ideas for your nonprofit that will improve your digital marketing strategy this year and in the future:


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