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Unlock the Potential of IT and Cybersecurity with MySecureKid!

Unlock the Potential of IT and Cybersecurity with MySecureKid! Florian Klauer

Green Valley-based nonprofit MySecureKid is encouraging kids to explore the potential of working in tech. Founded in 2018, MySecureKid connects children and teens with programming, apprenticeships and mentors to help launch them into tech career paths. Quiana Gainey and JaLisa Johnson, the founders of MySecureKid, are focused on supporting children from underrepresented backgrounds. Despite the projected job growth of more than 13% in cybersecurity and technology, a “knowledge gap” is holding back Black and Hispanic people, as well as people with disabilities, from taking advantage of these opportunities. 


MySecureKid is a great initiative that is helping to bridge the gap between underrepresented communities and the tech industry. However, it is important to recognize that this is only one step in the right direction. We must continue to create more pathways and resources to ensure that everyone has access to the same opportunities. This means providing more educational resources, mentorship programs, and apprenticeships that are tailored to meet the needs of different communities.

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