Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Are You Backing Up Your Data?

Data backup is one of those things that everyone knows they’'re supposed to do, but it often gets overlooked or put on the back burner. It just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal... …until it is. Think of how many nonprofit organizations do some of their most important work during natural disasters: rescue organizations, food banks, energy assistance programs, etc. Read more...

Refurbished Computers

It seems to be the nonprofit organization'’s special burden, —and even badge of honor---to make things happen on an extremely limited budget. For one thing, startup funds are usually pretty small. Once you'’re up and running, surviving on donations and fundraising is pretty tricky. Most importantly, being fiscally responsible means that more money can go toward your mission. BUT…... Read more...

Engaging Supporters Through Interactive Video Projects

Getting people involved and invested in your nonprofit organization is one of the best ways to ensure that they’ll stay committed, right? This Technology Age offers a number of ways to engage prospective supporters, from blogging and commenting to Twitter to Facebook pages. These all allow people to feel like they’re being heard by the organizations they respect. Read more...

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