Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Analysis Exchange Helps Optimize Websites (For Free)

wad_logo_whiteIf your nonprofit has a web page (and it definitely should), how do you know if it's effective? Can you tell how many visitors it receives, how long they spend on the site, what they're clicking, or even how they found you? The answer is "yes." Probably the most important question to ask, however, is what all this data can do for you. Read more...

Formatting Your Organization’s Web Site

webformatDepending on where you are with your organization, you may or may not already have a web site. If you don’t have one, then it’s time to make that a priority. Web sites are invaluable to the nonprofit organization, and every year it seems there are more and more advantages. At first, sites were a great way to dole out information such as your mission and location. As technology progressed, things got even better. “Donate now” buttons were added so constituents could support good causes. Blogs came along and allowed for actual interaction on sites. Now it seems like the opportunities are practically limitless, with new innovations being added all the time (online registration, information sharing, payment processing, etc.). Read more...

MAP TechWorks Uses Technology to Promote Technology

mapNonprofit organizations and modern technology have a lot in common. One of the biggest things is that both focus considerably on sharing information. Think about it. A nonprofit’s goal is generally to draw attention to a cause…to get people talking about it. So much of today’s technology is also focused on communication. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are all tools for sharing ideas with the masses. Read more...

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