

The Growing Impact of AI in Nonprofit Organizations

AI has the potential to revolutionize nonprofit organizations by increasing productivity, reducing costs, and enabling employees to focus on impactful initiatives, especially during challenging economic times.


Blurring the Lines: Nonprofits and For-Profits in Today's Business Landscape

Nonprofits and for-profit enterprises now compete in the same market, blurring the distinction. Start-ups face a crucial decision of whether to choose a for-profit or nonprofit structure. Factors such as market readiness, customers' willingness to pay, capital availability, and access to talent and resources should guide the decision-making process.


PepsiCo Foundation and Doritos SOLID BLACK Select 16 Black Nonprofit Leaders for 2023 Black Changemakers Program

The PepsiCo Foundation and Doritos SOLID BLACK have announced the 16 Black nonprofit leaders selected for the 2023 Black Changemakers program. This program aims to uplift and amplify the voices of Black community leaders who are making a positive impact in areas such as education, youth development, food insecurity, and financial literacy.


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