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Blurring the Lines: Nonprofits and For-Profits in Today's Business Landscape

Blurring the Lines: Nonprofits and For-Profits in Today's Business Landscape Jonas Jaeken

Nonprofits and for-profit enterprises now compete in the same market, blurring the distinction. Start-ups face a crucial decision of whether to choose a for-profit or nonprofit structure. Factors such as market readiness, customers' willingness to pay, capital availability, and access to talent and resources should guide the decision-making process.

Source: Harvard Business Review (https://hbr.org/2017/05/should-your-start-up-be-for- or-nonprofit)

Opinion: The decision of whether to adopt a for-profit or nonprofit structure is crucial for socially-minded entrepreneurs. It's surprising how unsystematic this decision is approached, considering its long-term consequences. Start-ups should commit to one path and carefully consider the factors influencing their choice. [1]

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