Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

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Nonprofits Are Able to Make Money

The term nonprofit makes many people assume it means “no income.” In fact, this term has often led to a stereotype of workers working for little to no compensation because of the notion that all they do is for passion for the charities, hence always struggling for cash. This myth is untrue. Many nonprofits are capable of making money, and most of them intend to do so. Money is useful in propelling an organization to greater heights. Therefore, if a nonprofit wants to grow and help other causes in society, it must find ways of getting money or generating some on its own. It is only with adequate funds that a nonprofit can effectively grow and champion its cause. However, although there are ways they can make money, they are limited in one way or another. Therefore, this article provides insight into how nonprofits can make money and the limits set on their earnings. If you are aspiring to start a charity, this article might be the right starting point for you.


Big Ideas for Your Nonprofit Board

When starting and operating a nonprofit, a lot is at stake. As a leader of a nonprofit, the activities involve trying to raise awareness for issues that do not get the proper attention. Furthermore, any nonprofit leader has an intention to make the world better through the provision of services to people in need. An individual cannot achieve this. Rather, it requires collaboration with employees, communities and other parties whose work is to organize nonprofits and ensure they are well run.


You Can Make a Difference

Volunteering is not just a term or a resume item that one can put on a CV- rather, it is an essential part of any functional society. While some may take nonprofits lightly, their benefits to society reach far and wide and have ripple effects that start at an individual level to the larger communities. They benefit everyone on their way and make a lasting impact, not only on an individual but on society as well.


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